
SABIC Innovative Plastics - Selkirk NY Real Haunted Places

  • 1 Noryl Avenue
  • Selkirk, NY
  • 518-475-5011
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Previously GE Plastics and originally the Becker Farm, SABIC Innovative Plastics in Selkirk is said to be haunted by three ghosts. Back when the land was still a farm, Mr. Becker caught his wife having an affair with a slave; he pushed the slave down the farmhouse stairs, killing him. Becker then killed his wife in an attempt to decapitate her and, following the grisly murders, went down to the basement where he hanged himself. The old farmhouse stands to this day, and witnesses day the spirits of all three can be seen from time to time. The lights in the basement flicker on and off of their own accord, and motion detectors will sometimes light up in a pattern as though someone is walking through the house, though no living person is actually there. On the second floor a phantom perfume scent is said to emanate from the spot where the wife was killed.
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  • I worked as a guard in 89-91

    I worked there with my wife as Security at GE plastics. I worked the 12-8 shift, At the time they had these swipe card stations all over the plant, like a credit card style it would record where you were and what time you swiped the station to check it. The Becker house was always my last stop and I hated it. As soon as you walked in you could feel that you were being watched, there was the original home and a "newer" addition it was pretty much a long walkway or hallway with cubicles on either side, typical office setup. I did the new section first 2 swipes there. Ii would walk past the basement door and upstairs that was not to scary but I usually smelled the perfume people talked about. It was like someone with perfume was standing right near you, not unpleasant smell at all really. After that I went to the basement. Now down there the fricking key was on a back wall in the "third" room. As soon as you open that door you, it's hard to describe that gut feeling that it's not good, leave now sort of feeling. But I had to do it if you skipped it they would yell that it's a BS story yadda yadda you HAVE to go down there. You walk down these small stairs straight back and through a doorway to the left into another room( I am getting the creeps writing this and remembering) hang a right walk about 20 or so feet into a small room and on the back wall of that was the swipe. I kid you not as soon as you swipe that card the lights would go off, It scares me still I swear I am goosebumps and looking around it's 2:10 AM. You knew you were being watched I ran up the stairs out the door not far away and I swear it seemed someone was looking out at me. As if get out of my house feeling. It was a dread feeling really bad I mean very dark and aboding. I went down there 3 more times after that I went to the boss and said I can't go there anymore I am sorry, it's real I don't care what anyone says it's f'ing real. There was two other guys wouldn't go either. I was not a GE employee I worked for Wackenhut Security, They got us to do that building because all the GE security and Maint. guys refused to go down there. I can't explain in words how truly frightening it was in that building. I never did find out or check into the story but regardless true or not there is something in there.

    Posted 12/19/15

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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