
Lincoln Park Gully - Real Haunt in Albany NY

  • 241 Park Ave
  • Albany, NY
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In the late summer of 1626 a party of Mahican warriors and Dutch soldiers left Fort Orange led by the outpost’s superintendent, Daniel Van Kriekenbeek. The men intended to attack the Mohawks, but were caught off guard when the Mohawks instead ambushed them in what is today Lincoln Park. Most of the small group of Dutch soldiers and an unknown number of Mahicans were killed in the battle. One particularly ghastly account states that a Dutchman was burned alive and had his leg and arm removed, which the Mohawks took as trophies. Visitors to the gully say that the spirits of the slain still roam the park, even in broad daylight. Ghostly figures have been seen gliding through the area, and some people even report a feeling of being watched.
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  • Hearing Native American Indian drums

    From time to time I hear Indian drums and I be the only one that hears them..... I live on Myrtle Ave and the Lincoln Park gully is behind wear I live and the street by the gully is Park Ave..... I'd been hearing these drums since 2015-2016 and 2023. I hear the drums while being in my house or when I walk my dogs

    Posted 11/25/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 918
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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