
Buckout Road - Real Harrison Haunt

  • Bucket Road
  • Harrison, NY
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Bucket Road in Harrison is home to a house which has some creepy urban legends surrounding it. Several “Xs” can be seen around the building, which some locals say mark the execution sites of witches who were caught and killed long ago. Others suggest that a family of malicious albinos lives in the building and attacks visitors. Supposedly a group of school kids were taunting one of the residents one night; one of the harassers went to light a firework in the mailbox, but when opened it up a child’s head rolled out. This legend has led some to call the street “Head Road.”

The road also has a few small cemeteries on it, which some have alleged are haunted by a ghostly White Lady. She has been spotted by many people and blamed for causing the locked doors of nearby houses to swing open. Her apparition was also seen on the rafter of a house one day; later on that rafter broke in the exact spot she stood, killing one of the building’s residents.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 920
Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (225 days ago)

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