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Hudson River State Hospital - Poughkeepsie NY Real Haunted Place

  • 10 Ross Cir
  • Poughkeepsie, NY
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The Hudson River State Hospital was opened in October of 1871 as a psychiatric treatment facility—a purpose it continued to serve until its eventual closure in 2003. After being shut down, the campus fell into a state of disrepair and in 2007 the male bedding ward, located south of the main building, was severely damaged when a lightning strike caused it to catch fire. The property was sold in 2013, but remains closed to the public.

Passersby say that they have seen ghosts and witnessed other strange activity in the old hospital. Orbs have materialized from thin air to chase trespassers away, and after nightfall the spirits of former patients manifest to wander the grounds. Many have heard strange noises and screaming coming from the abandoned hospital.
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  • Ominous presence

    I’m mentally ill and def would’ve been sent here if I were born about 100 years earlier, so I figured I had the right to trespass there. I felt a presence in the morgue and in basements, but nothing came after me. Found lots of creepy old medical documents and some of the names of former patients. It’s a popular spot for urban exploration, and so you will likely run in to random fellow explorers of varying degrees of friendliness. At the end, a random creep tried to threaten me into letting him photograph me. The living are always more threatening than the dead :3

    Posted 6/24/23

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  • Fake news

    This place is not haunted. I have several family members and dozens of friends that have worked there. Both my parents,in fact my mother worked there for 40 years and noone has ever seen anything like this, EVER. I spent a large amount of time on the grounds riding my bike and just hanging out as a kid. People have scared themselves silly,lol! Or maybe they are just possessed? I still live within a stone's throw of the place. I have good memories but no bad ones. God is MY judge and He would never allow me to be "haunted" by any of these types!

    Posted 10/15/21

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  • I live there in the 90s

    Alabama 99 hate that I feel like somebody's watching me specially when you go up on the third floor where they used to do that some kind of test the crazy people with the electric chairs and I was still cold I would not feel right it was something there and I knew somebody was watching I would never go back there to even check it out now I believe in things from the other side but I never want to go back there it's too cold like an icebox

    Posted 6/14/16

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 4,810
Last edit to this listing: 11/20/2015 (3395 days ago)

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