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Amityville Horror House - Real Haunt in Amityville NY

  • 112 Ocean Avenue
  • Amityville, NY
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The Amityville Horror House is one of Long Island's most famous haunted places. There have been films, books, and even documentaries produced on the property.

In 1974, six murders occurred at the home. The murders were committed by Ronald DeFeo, Jr. where he killed his own family members. The home was shortly purchased over by the Lutz family and they moved in December of 1975, but soon after they were driven out of the home reportedly due to paranormal activity that included swarms of flies (during the dead of winter), cold spots, and odd scents in certain parts of the home where there was no ventilation. Even their dog showed signs of fear around the home.

The family's 5-year-old, Missy Lutz, also developed an imaginery friend after moving into the home. the imaginery friend described as a demonic pig-like creature with red glowing eyes was names Jodie, but soon both her parents soon realized Jodie was more than imaginery. On Christmas Day, George Lutz saw what appeared to be Jodie's eyes staring at him from his daughther's bedroom window. When he ran upstairs there was nothing there but a moving rocking chair. Kathy Lutz, George's wife also came across the red glowing eyes after shutting Missy's window one day, and then there were the giant cloven hoof prints found in the snow on New Year's Day. Other incidents during the Lutz' brief stay include Kathy receiving red welts on her chest and even levitating above her bed. At the fireplace, the Lutz' claim to have seen an image of a demon burned into the back, and then there are the odd occurences of objects moving on their own, in some instances harming the Lutz's.

The terrifying haunts drove the Lutz' out of the family 28 days after they moved in.

The house today remains as a private residence and is not open to the public. Most recent information on the home is that it was listed for sale in 2016 because the owner wanted to downsize after her husband had passed away. The home on Ocean Ave. was listed for $850,000 and was purchased by a new owner in early 2017 for way less than its asking price - $605,000.
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Last edit to this listing: 4/13/2017 (2907 days ago)

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