
Sweet Hollow Road - Real Haunt in Huntington NY

  • Sweet Hollow road
  • Huntington, NY
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Several ghost legends exist on this road. It sits next to Mount Misery and is reportedly a site of several tragic events, including the school bus full of kids that skidded off the bridge above Sweet Hollow Road on a snowy day and killed everyone on board; the three boys who died hanging themselves from the overpass; the children who were abused and killed while attending a day camp along the road in the 1930s; the police officer who was shot and killed on this road; and the story of a woman named Mary who got into a fight with her boyfiend, was either pushed out of the car or jumped out, and then hit by oncoming traffic and killed.

The tragic events have left spirits behind to haunt the area. Some say if you stop the car under the bridge and leave it on neutral that your car will be pushed foward (it is believed that it is the children's spirits who died from the tragic school bus accident who are pushing). Then there's the story of looking up at the overpass while driving underneath it to see the bodies of the three boys who hanged themselves.

For the tragic day camp children who were abused and killed, some have reportedly seen spirits of children dressed in 1930s clothing. And in relation to Mary who died after arguing with her boyfriend, some say her ghostly image may appear walking along the side of the road or show up while driving down the road for a near-miss hit and then disappear.
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  • I thought I was hallucinating

    My friends and I used to hang out on Mount Misery all the time. We smoked there and usually there would be a group of least two cars were needed to get us there. So one night about 7 of us were all standing around talking and smoking. I happened to look down the road and saw what looked like 3 faded grayish looking people. No features just tall gray figures walking down the road towards us. They were about 100 feet away and I just stared watching them. I thought I was hallucinating and there was no way anyone else was seeing this so I didn't say anything. They kept getting closer and closer to us. My friend Dan turned to me and said, "Do you see that too?" I confirmed I was seeing it and at this point all of our friends heard and turned to see what we were talking about. Well it turns out everyone saw them and we wordlessly all jumped in the cars and got the heck out of there.

    Posted 1/7/24

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  • Creepy

    Me and my friends went to sweet hollow road in groups while my partner was driving my car. It was 6 of us, and we decided to go see sweet hollow road. Me and my best friend have been but we haven’t experienced anything on the road until we left. But that’s another story for another time. When all 6 of us went, we drove down the road and we all felt a heavy energy in the car where we all couldn’t breathe and my partner told me he felt like he wanted to faint because of how heavy it was and he was the one driving. I was worried about him. And then the further we went the energy was gone and we were fine. We had sage to keep ourselves protected from any negative energy. Then we turned back around and the energy was heavy again. Then we stopped under the bridge before passing it after leaving the road and we got out the car (don’t do this) and we kept the car on incase we heard or saw anything so we can run out. We were inspired by Sam and Colby so we have spirit talker apps on our phones to use it if we wanted to hear anything. My partner downloaded it and he heard my best friends name and my other friends name as well. We were shocked. And then my other friend he claimed to have heard something nearby like as if someone stepped on a twig. We some of us stayed close but my other friends were looking around. My friend came close to me and told me she saw something by the street sign towards the corner. I at first didn’t know what she was talking about and she couldn’t talk and wanted to go back into the car. And then she whispered that she saw something peaking its head out all black and tall behind the street sign, and next thing you know I saw 3 bodies across the street but very faint and vanished. And then within the 5 minutes of being outside we heard something coming closer and we all grew silent and the louder it got, we all ran to the cry and locked our doors and sped off. After that we turned back when we made it to the school and we made it back infront of the bridge again and we felt eerie like we were being watched the whole time by something negative. It was a interesting experience but dangerous all at the same time. But I would go back again but with an even bigger group.

    Posted 12/21/23

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Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (225 days ago)

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