
Split Rock Quarry - Real Haunted Place

  • Onondaga Boulevard
  • Solvay, NY
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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During World War I Split Rock Quarry was used a munitions factory; however, on July 2, 1918 the facility exploded, killing at least 50 men. The accident was allegedly the result of a mixing motor in the main TNT room overheating, causing 1-3 tons of TNT to blow, and leveling the building in the blast. All that remains today is rock and a machine dubbed “The Crusher” used for mining. Visitors say that they have seen the phantoms of the men who died on that fateful day, and heard unexplainable footsteps and voices as well as the sounds of The Crusher mysteriously powering on.
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  • A voice asking for help....

    Went there several years ago with a couple of friends. While in the "Rock Crusher" tunnels. I had a camera in my left hand, that I was using just as a light source, suddenly turn off. (still had a full battery when turned back on) While a camera in my right hand (that was recording at the time) picked up a faint "need help". It was the only time a EVP was recorded while we where there.

    Posted 9/6/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 947
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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