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Smalley's Inn & Restaurant - Carmel NY Real Haunts

  • 57 Gleneida Avenue
  • Carmel, NY
  • 845-225-9874
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Places
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Smalley’s Inn was first built by James Smalley in 1852 and operated as a hotel for decades before burning to the ground in a fire that swept through Camel in 1924. The hotel was rebuilt and sold to private business owners; during the 1950s it was converted into an Italian restaurant. It also appears to be quite haunted. Paranormal activity in the building has long been noted, but that activity intensified when the restaurant owner discovered a tombstone in the basement belonging to Elizabeth Smalley. Elizabeth was the daughter of James Smalley and died while still a toddler. Guests have said they’ve felt their clothing being tugged at while in the restaurant, and have seen the ghosts of Elizabeth as well as a grown man and woman. Disembodied footsteps have been heard and strange presences felt; on one particularly active night every cellphone in the building rang at the exact same time, each of them having evidently been called from Smalley’s phone number simultaneously. At one point there was an attempt to build a sports bar in the building’s basement. This endeavor was short lived, as construction workers had to build around a support beam dubbed “the pillar.” Elizabeth’s ghost would regularly peek out from behind the pillar as if she were playing hide-and-seek, and evidently terrified those who were building the bar. Three successive contractors fled the building before finishing the job, each progressively more scared than the last.
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Contact Phone #: 845-225-9874

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,154
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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