
Hubbard Hall, Cazenovia College - Real Cazenovia Haunt

  • 22 Sullivan St
  • Cazenovia, NY
  • 315-655-7208
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Cazenovia College is a small, independent college offering a liberal arts education and baccalaureate programs. Strange incidents have been reported in the campus’ Hubbard Hall, particularly on the building’s third floor. Doors open and close on their own, alarms go off at odd hours day and night for no reason, and other unusual incident have been reported.
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  • Yup. It's sppoky.

    I lived on the 3rd floor of Hubbard in the 'new section', and always felt very uneasy on the 3rd floor when I had to go over to the 'old section'. One night while pulling an all nighter I left my section to go down to the second floor to get something from the vending machine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure wearing what looked like a green night gown when I went to the stairs. I thought nothing of it - I just thought it was one of the girls going to the restroom on that floor. Then I saw that same figure on the second floor (which was all guys) in the old section after getting a snack from the vending machine, then saw it a 3rd time when I went back up to my floor and went through the fire door back to the section I lived in. Needless to say -I did not sleep that night, and completed my paper. I clicked on no for recommending to a friend because the dorm is on a college campus and only residents have access via key card.

    Posted 9/30/22

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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