
Guptills Woods - Real Haunted Place

  • Pollock Road
  • Latham, NY
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Guptills Woods on Pollock Road has long been rumored to be haunted, as has a house found in the middle of the trees. Passersby have reported light orbs and strange sets of eyes without faces peering out from the dark. Some visitors even say that they have heard singing while in the woods.
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  • ….

    one time me and my friend went in the back of it and he heard a noise. i told him to comeback and just leave its all my fault. it looked away and when i looked back he was gone till this day we still havent found him but police found one thing his backpack and phone with a pic of him and i before we went. i will never forget that day.

    Posted 9/23/23

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  • Red light

    Was driving down the road with my gf and I mentioned how the rd was haunted. Immediately as I said it I saw red lines move across the road my gf said it looked like a glitch in the world. very sus I pulled over a mile later instantly got the heebeejeebees.

    Posted 8/31/22

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  • My experience

    I’ve been down there a bit I’m not down there a lot though I go to a nearby berry oxford apartments to play basketball but those woods have a horrible vibe and I will hear screams there and sometimes I will go back to back days with a new dead animal each in the same spot as the other day I also drove by there to go football practice and there would be random lights and I have a really bad feeling when going there at night

    Posted 6/24/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,000
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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