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Elmira College - Real Haunt in Elmira NY

  • 1 Park Place
  • Elmira, NY
  • 607-735-1800
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Two buildings on the Elmira College campus are rumored to be haunted. Students in Cowles Hall have seen floating lights and heard whispering in the building’s hallways; some have even suggested that the building has a good half and an evil half. An empty room on Tompkins Hall’s fourth floor is also said to be haunted by the spirit of a nun who is waiting to surprise her sister with a visit. That sister died on campus, however, preventing any hope of a meeting.
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  • Pounding on Windows and Unexplained Lights

    I was a student there for 4 years. My Sophomore year, I stayed on campus over the summer and had 2 encounters while campus was mostly abandoned. One night I was walking with a friend and her and I were looking at the campus cottage that she would be staying in at the end of summer, and as we were peering through the window to see the living area, the entire window rattled as if struck from the inside. The building was empty, and both of us were too far to hit the window. The second was later that same summer, I was with a different friend, walking back to our dorms from a reunion activity and when I looked into Cowles Hall, there was a light in the top floor windows, but the building was under construction and the top floor was inaccessible, and the building was fenced off. When i tried to point it out to my friend, the lights vanished, only to reappear after my friend left for his room and I was alone. It freaked me out.

    Posted 9/26/19

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Last edit to this listing: 11/13/2015 (3402 days ago)

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