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Connecticut Hill Cemetery - Real Newfield Haunted Place

  • Connecticut Hill Rd & Boylan Rd
  • Newfield, NY
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Also known as Snyder Hill Cemetery, people have reported seeing a number of ghosts on these grounds. Sightings include human apparitions, glowing orbs, shadow people, and strange mists. Urban legends also claim the cemetery has been the site of UFO activity and migratory Sasquatch.
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  • Witch encounter

    I don’t know much about paranormal activity, but I do know what my friends and I experienced when visiting the witch’s grave one night at Connecticut hill. One of my friends had visited it many times and was given instructions on how to approach the stone, how to enter the graveyard, that we were supposed to leave an offering, etc. We didn’t believe his stories so, at 3AM some random night, we decided to drive out there and see for ourselves. We took heed of his advice and were very respectful in our approach. Our group of 5 walked single file, holding each others shoulders as we walked in just out of respect for Elizabeth and as a means of ensuring each other’s safety. We walked up to the stone, each gave a donation and blessing, and moved away from it. Everything seemed peaceful, as if a tranquil energy was surrounding us and protecting us which we each acknowledged and talked to each other about. On the way out, things changed a little. My friend at the back suddenly jumped and said “hey stop touching my back and messing with me”. When we all realized at the same time he was the last person in the line, we freaked out a bit and sprinted out of the cemetery.. We quickly hopped in my friend’s jeep and took off through the woods down some single lane dirt road/trail go get out of there, which is when it got REALLY weird. Out of nowhere, a golden retriever came out of the woods running side by side with our jeep as we were hauling ass out of there. And I’m not talking about some mangy mutt, this dog looked perfectly groomed and well taken care of, but, it had no collar. Weirder yet, we were in the middle of absolutely nowhere with (to our knowledge) no houses around. It followed us for a good 5-10 minutes and stopped shortly before we got off the road and back onto the main road. It’s an experience my friends and I will never forget.

    Posted 5/20/24

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  • Infant Squatch Sighting

    This was around 1 or 2 years ago, a group of friends and I went to this location with our gear. We were originally there to take EMF readings and digital photographs. At around 3am one of our crew spotted something scurrying in the underbrush. When we shined our light on the moist dirt we saw tiny humanoid or apeoid footprints and glistening brown furs. As interesting as it was I'd not recommend the risk, really.

    Posted 9/21/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 5,176
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3493 days ago)

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