
Crandall House - Balston Spa NY Real Haunt

  • 1332 W High St
  • Balston Spa, NY
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Located near the Wood Road School Complex, the Crandall House was built in the 1800s for Sylvester Crandall, a failed stockbroker, and his wife, Julia. The couple often fought over money and neighbors reported seeing Sylvester spending time alone in the house’s cupola. During the winter of 1887, Julia’s mother and sisters came to the house to bring her home, but Sylvester came down with a shotgun and killed her mother. He turned the gun on Julia’s step-sister and then Julia herself before walking up to the cupola where he shot himself. After the tragic murder-suicide, bewildered neighbors reported seeing Sylvester in his cupola at night, and that a light would stay on in the room from dusk to dawn. One neighbor was even allegedly rescued from a severe snow storm after he had gotten stuck by a man he said looked identical to Sylvester. Sightings became less frequent as those who knew the Crandalls passed away, but children in the nearby school still say the see a creepy man dwelling in the old house.
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  • girls crying

    i am 13 years old and i went to wood road in 5th i remeber seeing the man and hearing yelling and 3 female cries

    Posted 1/26/22

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  • Absolutely haunted

    I went to school with a kid that lived there, and some of us kids went there after school. Weird creepy things happened things suddenly falling down the stairs I remember the most. It was about 40 years ago now,

    Posted 10/21/21

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  • Definitely haunted

    I vividly remember seeing a creepy man/shadow in that house when I was a kid. I went to elementary school right next to it. I’m 25 now and still swear that place is haunted.

    Posted 10/4/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 3,000
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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