
Brightside on Raquette - Real Haunted Place

  • Indian Point
  • Raquette Lake, NY
  • 315-737-2157
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  (1 review)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways, Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Brightside on Raquette is a uniquely secluded inn, located in the middle of Raquette Lake and accessible only by boat. It is said to be haunted by the spirit of a woman whose husband disappeared from the inn one night during a blizzard; she has stayed behind ever since, waiting patiently in her room above the kitchen for the day that he returns. The woman will only leave her room when she hears her favorite song being played on the piano downstairs, which she will manifest in front of to listen more closely before returning to her chambers.
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  • Weird experience in room 37 Tardugno room

    I recently stayed in room 37 on the third floor,at the Brightside. At 2:10 am my phone alarm went off (alarm was actually set for 5:30am) . After shutting off alarm,and laying back in bed, and curtains closed. Only little light from moon lit up room a bit, I noticed a old lady in the mirror, that kept walking back and forth(I looked around room and there was no one) but I could see her in mirror, and it sounded like mirror was starting to spider and crack, I was a little nervous, and covered my head with the blanket, and just listened. Then I herd what sounded like a old flash bulb from camera flash and seen a 3in wide and a long beam of light from under covers. I stayed under covers wide awake until about 5am, then got up and turned light on. The next night I left the light on all night, because I was beat (the light on sucked but, I was able to sleep without a problem. 10/3/17

    Posted 10/6/17

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Contact Phone #: 315-737-2157

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 915
Clicks to Website: 26
Last edit to this listing: 11/6/2015 (3428 days ago)

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