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Skene Manor - Real Whitehall Haunted Place

  • 8 Potter Terrace
  • Whitehall, NY
  • 518-499-1906
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Real Haunted Houses
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Skene Manor is a nationally registered historic 1874 Victorian home built in Whitehall. It is presently open to visitors and holds special events throughout the year, but this scenic mansion is also believed to be haunted! When the manor’s original owner, Colonel Skene, lost his wife he allegedly wanted to keep her body close by. Accounts on the exact location vary, with some saying her coffin is in the basement, under the grand staircase, or behind what was the bar when the building operated as a restaurant. Visitors have reported seeing the ghost of a lady dressed in a Victorian gown, wearing a large ring near the fountain.
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  • Definitely something going on

    One fall night about 6 years ago, a friend and I stopped by Skene Manor after hours just to see what the fuss was all about. I pulled all the way up the driveway and turned around so we were parked in front of the front steps, I turned my car off and we sat there staring at the front of the house seeing if anything would happen. After about 10 minutes waiting and we both swore we saw the curtains next to the front door move at the same time...we waited a few more minutes and then decided to leave. As I went to start up my car it wouldn't start, my friend had to get out and push and we coasted it to the bottom of the driveway. We got to the bottom and it started without a problem...I never had any issues with car, it was basically brand new, only had it for a few months.

    Posted 3/21/19

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  • I live in white hall.

    Hi my Jessica bushman. I was wornding if there any one can help me and hubby learn how to gost hunt. We have always wanted to. But have no idea where to start what we need as far as hunting gose. We would also like to deind some who can how us the rops. They must be the real thing no scammer plz. Skene manor I have been inside and I got cold chills hole time. It as the Christmas thing they do for kids. Where they see Santa

    Posted 3/7/18

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Contact Phone #: 518-499-1906

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Last edit to this listing: 11/20/2015 (3400 days ago)

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