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Pigman Road - Real Haunted Place

  • Holland Road
  • Angola, NY
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  (11 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Holland Road, better known by its nickname, Pigman Road, earned the moniker from the legend of a local butcher who would place the heads of pigs on stakes along the street in the 1950s and ‘60s. Some allege that the butcher shot a man to death and hung his body from a meat hook in his shop. The ghostly activity on Holland Road comes from a tragedy that predates the gristly butcher, however. On December 18, 1967, tragedy struck as a six-car passenger train came apart and fell off the track near Pigman Road. 50 people died in the accident and 40 more suffered severe burns. Locals say that the spirits of these victims still roam the area.
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  • Pigman

    I just remote viewed this location and I could feel a piggy presence. Chills.

    Posted 1/11/25

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  • The Angola Train Wreck was in 1867 (not 1967)

    ?? The Angola Horror train wreck occurred on December 18, 1867, just after 3 p.m. when the last coach of the Buffalo-bound New York Express of the Lake Shore Railway derailed at a bridge in Angola, New York, slid down into a gorge, and caught fire, killing some 49 people. At the time, it was one of the deadliest train wrecks in American history. ?? The unfortunate deaths ??: The last car plunged 40 feet down the ice-covered slope to the gully bottom and came to a rest, at a 45-degree angle, with a fearful crash. The passengers were thrown together at the end of the car onto the overturned stove. The stove from the other end of the car fell upon them and released hot coals. The carriage immediately caught fire, the fuel from the kerosene lamps fueling the flames. Only two people escaped alive from the carriage; some may have suffocated, but the majority were burned alive. Witnesses spoke of hearing the screams of those trapped inside lasting for five minutes. ?? What caused it ?? ? You won't believe this! Keep in mind it was December, and the train was racing as it was running almost 3 hours behind schedule ... •As the train neared the truss bridge over Big Sister Creek just east of Angola at 3:11 pm, it ran over a frog ?? (at the crossing point of two rails). The front axle of the rear car was slightly bent, and the frog caused a wheel on the defective axle to jump off the track, derailing the rear car which then swayed violently from side to side. •The brakes were applied, but the train still traveled at considerable speed as it crossed the bridge. The last car uncoupled from the train and plunged down into the icy gorge. •The 2nd-to-last car also derailed, but made it to the other side of the gorge before sliding 30 feet (9 m) down the embankment. Only one person was killed in this specific car. Want to know more? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angola_Horror

    Posted 7/30/24

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  • Screams.

    Driving under the tunnel on pigman road, my wife I can hear the screams above the crikets .We will never go back.

    Posted 10/28/23

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Scary Pigman road

    I heard noises of people screaming I was so scared and it sounded like knifes chopping I’m so scared and traumatized

    Posted 10/22/23

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • got chased

    me and my friend got chased by a man with a pig face to the car then there was nothing how weird

    Posted 8/7/23

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Its real here

    Me and my girlfriend got chased by shadowy figure

    Posted 11/20/21

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    0 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Pigman road

    I went here 3 times and nothing happened. When i went the 4th time with my friends that's when I felt something. We were walking down the road at 11pm and nobody was around me and i felt fingers go through my hair. I felt actual fingers touch my head. I really got scared but though it was my imagination. We got to the red barn and that's when 2 of my friends stated screaming and we all ran. There was a big black shape chasing us. I didn't see it because i was too scared to look back. The freaky part was when we got back to my car. It was foggy in my car and a childs handprints were on my rear window. Were all adults. They were infant hand prints. I never did or will go there again!!

    Posted 11/12/21

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    9 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Believer, experienced plenty!

    I've unfortunately had waaay too many paranormal experiences in my life, but I have the heart of a skeptic (in a jar on my desk - to steal a joke fron Stephen King!

    Posted 10/15/21

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  • Day Trip

    My wife and I took a day trip from Erie, PA to Buffalo, NY on Saturday, 7/10/21 to pick up aquarium supplies and we enjoy driving US-5 along Lake Erie which is a beautiful route. After passing Evangola State Park near the Village of Farnham, we reached Holland Road which I recalled from past stories about this area being haunted. So, being in no hurry we took a right turn and headed down Holland Road just to check things out. In the back seat of our SUV was our 2-year old male Cairn Terrier "Duncan" who was fast asleep as we approached the turn. As we headed down the road (traveling east, then southeast) Duncan stood up while tethered in his car seat and began panting as we continued on. Before we reached the first single car bridge his panting became agitation and he started shaking and whimpering constantly -- something he has never done in the past. It was as if he sensed something he didn't like despite our telling him that everything was fine and comforting him. He was nor growling or barking -- just whimpering. Finally, my wife said we should turn around and head back, to which I agreed. Soon, we were back on Route 5 heading to Buffalo and Duncan was calm again and laid back down.

    Posted 7/11/21

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  • What pigman

    My boyfriend and I went here on New Year’s Eve and didn’t encounter anything. The road was pretty neat but didn’t see anything . I laughed and made pig noises but nothing haha. I definitely loved walking thru the tunnel

    Posted 1/10/21

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    4 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • I can see spirit's and I can help

    I can see spirit's and I can also talk with them I've had this gift from a young age and it's not that bad for me and I can help whoever it is

    Posted 10/13/17

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    7 out of 23 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 31,047
Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (224 days ago)

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