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Niagara University - Niagara Univ NY Real Haunted Place

  • 5795 Lewiston Rd
  • Niagara Univ, NY
  • 716-286-8700
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When Niagara University was founded in 1856 as the College and Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, it had only six students and two faculty members. Over the years it has expanded greatly in size and scope to become a full-fledged university; it has also become home to a locally famous ghost. In 1864 a fire in Clet Hall stranded a student named Thomas Hopkins on an upper-level floor. Hopkins died in the fire, but his spirit remains and has been seen roaming the halls, opening doors, and turning on lights and water faucets.
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  • Something grabbed my leg

    My cousin and a coworker stayed in the dorms at Niagara College June 7, 2024, they stayed in the same room in separate beds. Around 5am something reached under the cover and grabbed his leg, my cousin said he was not scared but worded out by the experience so he stayed up until it was daylight then checked out. When he told his coworker (female) what he experienced. She shared that the same thing happened to her.

    Posted 6/11/24

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  • Lived in Clet for three years

    I lived on campus for four years, my last three being in Clet. There is definitely a weird feeling in the building, especially during the hours of 2am-4am. Multiple people have told stories about not only Tom, but another ghost, a little girl, in the building. I have not encountered the little girl, but what I have been told is she likes to pull at your towel and laugh when you're walking back to your room from the shower. I've had three main encounters with Tom. 1) One year, I believe 2017, the pipe in my radiator (4th floor room) had cracked due to age and it needed to be replaced. While they were replacing it, I was thinking that if the ghost is real, I would still be having issues. I left the room for a few hours and when I got back, the entire room was flooded. 2) It is known that Tom will protect women from men. I have heard stories of knocking on doors, footsteps, etc. when a guy is over in a girl's room, or a girl is in a guy's room. Multiple times, whenever my boyfriend and I were together (either his room or mine), the TV would pause what was playing, visual glitches, etc. 3) I graduated Spring of 2019 and during one of my last days living in the building, I finally saw who I believe was Tom. I was turning the corner on the first floor, near the stairs at the main entrance. I saw a tall male figure, and it was really dark. I thought "nice to finally see you" and it went away. There are multiple other ghosts on the campus. Where the Varsity Village houses are, there used to be a pond. It is said that a boy fell into the pond and drowned. There also used to be a train that would run through campus and it is said a man got ran over. One of my friends had told me (in either 2016 or 2017) she saw a male ghost sitting in a seating area, near where the train used to run through.

    Posted 7/17/23

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  • Current student- it’s true.

    I’m a current student and have already experienced this stuff. Weird winds from nowhere, the door absolutely slamming on its own despite slowly and softly closing beforehand. It’s scary.

    Posted 8/29/22

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3491 days ago)

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