
Hartwell Hall, SUNY Brockport - Real Haunts in Brockport NY

  • 350 New Campus Dr
  • Brockport, NY
  • 585-395-2751
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The College at Brockport first opened to students in 1867 and became part of the SUNY system in 1948. The school’s Hartwell Hall is rumored to be haunted, likely by the spirit of Edward P. Rowley who was a resident on campus in 1888. Rowley fell through a few planks that had been covering a cistern and became trapped in seven feet of water; he drowned before long. Students now report seeing the ghost of a man in dark clothing walking through the halls of Hartwell at night. Levitating objects and moving shadows have been seen as well, and there have also been reports of phantom voices. The ghost does not seem to be malevolent, however; a staff member claims that when she fell off a ladder in the building she was caught by an invisible force and set down gently.
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  • I am from another world helping my baby self

    I woke up at two years old and was following my same footsteps I had before in the same timeline. Became aware after a 2021 car accident. I can explain the loop of time travel through this being the first teachers college and who I am to knowledge. Great College to link to all history if you believe in the Church ?? Go get a Balboa and ask them about their grill ??

    Posted 11/24/24

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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