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Happy Valley WMA - Real Haunts in Williamstown NY

  • Happy Valley
  • Williamstown, NY
  • 607-753-309
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Happy Valley was a wide farming area during the 19th century, but by the time of the Great Depression much of the land was exhausted and the inhabitants began to vanish from the region. Today it is a Wildlife Management Area, but visitors say that more than flora and fauna can be found here. Ghostly sightings and even UFO activity have been reported along the trails.
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  • Happy Valley is Truly Haunted!

    I grew up nearby in Watertown, NY and found out about Happy Valley in 2012 in a newspaper article about Oswego County ghosts and legends. My there buddies and I decided to get a DEC permit and camp there in early November. As guys in our early 20s, we were secretly creeped out but tried not to show it. We stopped at Walmart on our way to get hot dogs to cook and arrived at around 11 p.m. and set up our tent and built a fire between the cemetery and pond along that road, about 20 yards into the woods. We cooked our food and decided to walk and explore more after we ate. First we found an old abandoned trailer next to an old well with creepy Satanic paintings inside, so we got out of there pretty fast! As we walked the other way toward the pond in the pitch black with just our iPhone flashlight, we heard what sounded like footsteps walking beside us a few yards down the embankment from the gravel road. When we stopped, the other footsteps stopped. We walked a little ways further over the pond's land bridge until we saw a random leather work glove hanging from a tree. Weird. We turned around because Garcia Road seemed to go on forever. When we returned to our camp site, we stayed there the rest of the night and went to sleep. Around 2:45 AM we all were awakened to a distant scream in the woods and a sound I can only describe as like a blacksmith working in the distance, like metal repeatedly clanging on and off. By this time of year in early November, it was really cold and had snowed a dusting since we had fallen asleep. We hauled ass out of there after that, needless to say. Nobody in Williamstown of Altmar is up at 2:30 in the morning crafting metal sculptures. Please do not go there unless you are willing to experience some of the creepiest, weirdest shit you cant even imagine.

    Posted 9/14/21

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Contact Phone #: 607-753-309

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Visitors to this page: 1,778
Clicks to Website: 61
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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