
Gurnsey Hollow Cemetery - Real Frewsburg Haunt

  • Gurnsey Hollow Road
  • Frewsburg, NY
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Gurnsey Hollow Cemetery has been around for a long time, bearing graves that date back to the 19th century. Visitors have reported seeing a ghostly lady in white, a young boy, spectral orbs, and the apparition of a young girl or the sound of her moans. The girl is alleged to have been mentally handicapped and murdered by townsfolk for unknown reasons; some believe that the lady in white and young boy roam the graveyard to protect this girl.
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  • It’s a shame it’s been disrespected

    A friend took me here today. Very peaceful cemetary. It’s a shame that the graves have been vandalized and broken. I am pretty sensitive to spirit energy. I felt like we were being watched from a distance in a curious way, not anything bad or unsettled. Would love to know more about the history of the cemetary.

    Posted 7/31/24

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  • Peaceful

    Peaceful cemetery… it’s a shame so many people think It’s haunted. They come and trash the place… just disrespectful. So many different stories from bored small town people make up. We come here monthly and clean it up and care for it. We haven’t seen anything or experienced anything haunted about it , day or night doesn’t matter. It’s just a peaceful cemetery in the woods. It’s sad really, so many people buried here and only a few headstones left and so many children.

    Posted 7/19/24

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  • Just scary

    We went there caught some things on camera and when we went to leave the car completely shut off and saw something cross the road

    Posted 5/18/24

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful


    In chautauqua cemetary in Frewsburg I saw a ghost. Day one. It almost murdered me like it killed the other guy. no cell signal is more spooky. check it out. WHOO

    Posted 10/27/20

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    0 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Eerie but Peaceful

    I drove to Gurnsey Hollow and automatically watched. I walked up the hill to find destroyed and tipped over gravestones, and beer cans galore. Pretty disrespectful. I did not know about the history before visiting so reading these articles are terrifying. Once I was up the hill, I wasn’t as intimated as I was. The white cross is what made my spine tingle. Overall, I almost felt protected after leaving.. I don’t know why. I felt sympathy and paid my respects and left. The drive up is very unnerving, and you get no service so be nice, the spirits might bite back!

    Posted 4/7/20

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  • Truly haunted

    I grew up nearby and visited with some friends around 1996. That's when u could drive right up to the gates. We left the car at the gates and walked to the top and sat on a flat rock. We were there for awhile when I saw the lady in white float from where I thought was her grave to the next grave over and disappeared into it. We were so freaked out we all ran to the car that didn't want to run at first. I never did go back! I'm sure there were other things that went on but being so long ago that's what stick out in my memory still!

    Posted 9/27/16

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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