
Goodleburg Cemetery - Real Haunt in South Wales NY

  • 12117 Goodleberg Rd
  • South Wales, NY
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Goodleburg Cemetery was an active cemetery from 1811 to 1927, and is still open to visitors between 8 AM and dusk. Local legend holds that its namesake, Dr. Goodleburg, performed illegal operations and buried the women and children who did not survive in this graveyard. The cemetery was also the site of a death in 2003 when a ghost hunter was struck by a car late at night. Visitors have reported seeing the spirit of a lady in white, supposedly one of Goodleburg’s patients, roaming the land. There have been colored orbs which appear in photographs taken at night and some have heard the disembodied cries of babies. A pond in the back of the cemetery has been known to experience strong winds followed by a child’s cry.
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  • Cabin!!!!

    Anyone have any idea if the cabin still exists and where it is? Says it was on hunter creek rd but is that in the woods or on the roadside??

    Posted 7/7/24

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  • Question.

    Hi, I was at this cemetery today and we didn’t stay long because my mother was afraid we were gonna get towed. Is there anywhere you can park? Or are you just supposed to park right infront of it. She sees the signs and even with reassurance she still thinks we will get towed.

    Posted 1/7/24

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  • Goodleburg Cemetery

    I’ve been here twice, the first time I came at night around 7-8 pm (2021) I came with two people that are not familiar with paranormal investigations so it was kind of a in and out situation. One thing I immediately realized was the amount of energy, it didn’t feel threatening but it felt like something was watching us or was surrounding us, felt like the wind and everything stopped so it spooked my people to where I decided it was best to just go. The second time I went was June 12th of last year (2022) with a close friend of mine that was interested in doing an investigation, so I chose Goodleburg considering I didn’t get far last time. We went earlier in the day, maybe around 3-5 just before dark could set in. It felt different considering there was no darkness, I seen how beautiful the area looked to where it helped ease any worrying feelings. When we entered it seemed as if the wind actually began to pick up the farther we got into it. We respectfully went to every grave that was still there/ noticeable and somewhat introduced ourselves/ paid our respects. We laid down our intentions, and started investigating, at first using dowsing rods, which was working at first but wasn’t helping on figuring out who exactly we were talking too. I could tell we were talking to more than one spirit. We asked questions about the legend that is spoken around those parts and weren’t able to pick anything up regarding the Dr/ abortions said to haunt the grave yard, but we did pick up on a man, his energy seemed friendly but apprehensive. It was understandable considering all the damage and disrespectful things people have done to the cemetery. We did the Estes method next, to where we found out his name was Robert. He told us there were 7 people there with him, (weren’t sure if he was including us as in 5 spirits, us 2) he also told us what year we were currently in, came in clear as day “22nd” We asked if he was buried there and he responded yes, so we started making our way from the very back of the cemetery to the front where we found plot 3. Robert Stephens. He’s in the left hand side looking towards the street. He mentioned an Abigail with him. We soon realized and if you’re able to make out the other name on his stone (very hard due to aging) says his wife Abigal was buried with him. Gave us chills. We started to focus on communicating with her, the only thing she kept mentioning was the name Sammy and Edgar. If you start counting the graves next to Robert, you can make out 7-8 noticeable graves, we later found out online (which is not confirmed from what I seen) that one of their children’s names were Samuel Stephens which he isn’t buried near his Parents, but at plot 52 with his wives and child. Maybe Abigal was trying to make his presence known. As for edgar, I couldn’t find much information on him but There is and Edgar G buried there under the Ulrich family which is on the the other side of Samuel Stephens family Plot. It was a good time, cleaned ourselves with sage/prayer before we left. I feel like I learned alot about the family’s buried there, such sweet spirits. definitely want to do another investigation there one day. As long as you with good intentions, and ask the spirits to respect you’re boundaries and you’ll do the same in return, nothing but good should come out of it.

    Posted 8/7/23

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Visitors to this page: 6,267
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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