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Forest Park Cemetery - Troy NY Haunted Place

  • 381 Pinewoods Ave
  • Troy, NY
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Forest Park Cemetery, known locally as Pinewoods Cemetery, was first incorporated in 1897, though there is evidence that it has been in use since at least the mid-1800s. The cemetery is said to be highly active with paranormal activity, and bears a mausoleum without any filled tombs. There is also a statue of an angel which has lost its head and is said to bleed from its neck.
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  • Definitely unexplained events

    When I was in high school about 20 or so years ago a group of friends and I hopped the fence into Pinewoods one night after all the haunted tales. It was around 3am we walked around looking for the beheaded angel. Not sure if it was from psyching ourselves out but we all thought we saw orbs and shadows. We found the statue but it wasn’t bleeding like the rumors said. All disappointed we started walking back to the car. Well there is a VFW or similar thing behind the cemetery and halfway during our search we heard old timers music playing, we joked around about the old people jamming out. Being ahole kids making fun of the old people. Well a hour or so someone realized we were there after 3am and the style music was from when the cemetery official closed. Definitely creeped us out, and I still can’t explain it.

    Posted 9/5/23

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Visitors to this page: 2,862
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3497 days ago)

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