
Daemen College - Real Haunt in Amherst NY

  • 4380 Main Street
  • Amherst, NY
  • 716-839-8225
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Built in 1947 as Rosary Hill College, the school was originally an all-girls school; the first male students graduated in 1968 and in 1976 the school changed its name to Daemen College. According to students, one of the buildings on campus is haunted by the ghosts of two brothers. Curtis Hall stands on what was once a residential home, and rumor has it that the siblings who once lived there hanged themselves on opposite sides of the building after getting into an intense argument. Their spirits remain behind, still roaming the building that replaced the home in which they lived and died.
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  • Curtis Hall

    so I was walking around curtis hall with my dad then he saw a face thru the window we ran to the car and drove away

    Posted 12/15/24

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  • I experienced it first hand.

    I attended Daemen College from 1976 until 1981and was in Curtis Hall (then Alverno Hall) many times. Going into certain rooms, with no apprehension beforehand, you can experience an intense feeling of dread for no apparent reason and voices can be heard coming from empty rooms. Incidentally, Curtis Hall is the former Waite Mansion, it is not a building that replaced it, it is the actual former residency of the Waite brothers who are the suspected haunters. Also, only one of the brothers committed suicide, not both.

    Posted 10/16/17

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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