
Clifton Springs Sanitarium - Real Haunted Place

  • 11 and 9 E. Main St
  • Clifton Springs, NY
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Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Built in 1892, Clifton Springs Sanitarium is a five-story building which was once home to the “Clifton Springs Water Cure” promoted by Dr. Henry Foster. In 1974 the building was converted into an apartment complex for senior citizens and in 1979 it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Visitors to the building say they have seen the ghost of Dr. Foster sitting in the downstairs lobby, and the lights in the building will flicker on or off of their own accord. Extreme cold spots have been felt, unexplained noises heard, and shadow figures seen; some have reported doors slamming on their own and blood spots suddenly appearing on walls.
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  • Beautiful and Spooky

    I've been staying here for a month or so, and in my experience it is quite creepy. At night weird sounds can be heard, you can see things out of the corner of your eyes, see shadow figures and even hear voices where there shouldn't be any. I recommend coming here if you want to experience it.

    Posted 9/6/21

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  • Cheyenne Wright

    I was readin this and it sounds so scary i never been to a haunted or abandon place before in my life i mean i love watching scary stuff but this i dont read i just watch the youtubers

    Posted 8/24/21

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  • Shadow figures

    I work here and have heard noises and seen shadow figures! As im writing this i have seen a few today! Have seen white mist in the main hospital! Very cool!

    Posted 12/4/20

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  • Hauntingly beautiful.

    This structure is very gothic and beautiful. As a photographer and historic researcher it was quite thrilling to see that it still stands. I did have quite an uneasy feeling just taking pictures of the outside building. It was a nice visit till a woman looking out her window got really angry. I wish there was more information in general about the sanatorium... Personally I wouldn't want to accompany one of the apartment rooms knowing what it was before.

    Posted 8/19/20

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Visitors to this page: 2,855
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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