
Beardslee Castle - Little Falls NY Haunted Place

  • 123 Old State Road
  • Little Falls, NY
  • 315-823-3000
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Listing Categories
Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Castles
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Beardslee Castle was first built in 1860 as a three-story replica of an Irish castle. It has been reconstructed twice after having burned down in two fires which occurred in 1919 and 1989. Today it operates as a restaurant, and diners have reported seeing paranormal happenings. Bright lights have been known to jump out at cars, causing auto accidents, and an apparition named Abagail has been seen walking around. Witnesses have also reported seeing other ghosts, hearing voices, seeing objects move or break on their own, hearing inexplicable footsteps or other strange sounds, and having their cameras malfunction.

The cause for all the ghostly activity may be explained by the site’s history. Before the castle, the grounds were home to a fortified farmhouse with a tunnel that led to a hill full of gun powder. During the French and Indian War a group of Natives allegedly snuck into the powder room as part of a would-be sneak attack, but accidentally set the powder off, killing themselves in the process. The manor’s second owner, Anton Christensen, killed himself by hanging, adding another ghost to the Castle’s halls.
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  • Confused

    I showed up to Beardslee Castle not knowing of its hauntings until arriving well going to eat with my friend and her family we went down to the dungeon/bar station idk lol but I walked past the guys bathroom and Hurd talking but the door was cracked open so I peaked and all I seen was smoke and nobody so I opened the door and walked in and all I could smell is gun powder and sulfur…

    Posted 6/28/22

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  • Not haunted at all

    I went there with my friend and we walked around we even walked into the cemetery and I stood there for merely about 5 minutes and still nothing. It’s not as frightening as other people make it out to be. It’s a nice place though

    Posted 10/25/20

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  • Behavior breeds Behavior

    Just to set the record straight. The dead, are dead. They cannot, are not allowed to come back and "haunt" anyone or anything. Why? Because the dead know nothing anymore. All knowledge, all hate, all sadness and love all end at death. Just until the appointed time. Evil, on the other hand, is all around us, tempting, taunting, seducing weak willed captive silly souls that want to reach out to this sort of thing. Calling it "paranormal experiences", they are duped into thinking there is any continuation of a previous existence, all the while denying the fact that whatever entices them, is in fact...evil. Do not confront this. If you believe in God, then you cannot deny the existence of the devil, all the time remembering that even demons believe in God. The difference, is the will to reject, and embrace selfishness. The door is now opened, to those who will come and go as they wish. I hope, for your sakes, that you turn away from this sensationalism. It is not, should not be considered any kind of entertainment/amusement whatsoever.

    Posted 7/1/17

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