
Academy at Ivy Ridge - Ogdensburg NY Real Haunt

  • 5428 NY-37
  • Ogdensburg, NY
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Located on the former grounds of Mater Dei College, the Academy at Ivy Ridge’s history is as brief as it is turbulent. The Academy opened in 2002 as a boarding school for troubled teens, but just four years later the State denied it the right to continue issuing diplomas. Reports of rampant abuse had spring up before long, intensifying after 30 students rioted and escaped the campus in May of 2005. They were found and returned to campus, but the school quickly expelled them and at least twelve were prosecuted in court. Two staff members faced criminal charges in 2006 after allowing a group of students to assault another child, putting him in the hospital. In March, 2009 the Academy at Ivy Ridge saw its short, sordid life come to an end; all students were transferred to a facility in South Carolina and the school was closed permanently. The building still stands, and witnesses say that it is quite haunted. A phantom nun has been spotted inside, as has the ghost of a young boy. Some have heard a woman screaming and crying from within the building, and others felt a presence watching them in the school library.
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  • Student returned for my lost soul

    As a student I saw a woman who wasnt there walking around the corner to what was the intervention hallway in 2009. In a recent endevor to retrieve my personal files (hippa, birth cert., group notes, etc.) it is indescribable how time is just standing still in that hell hole. If you allowed photo uploads you could see the very errie markings on the middle of the inch thick dusty gym floor. Also there was a slamming of something down the med room/family office wing when noone was down there.

    Posted 5/8/19

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  • I use to work there and it made a believer out of me.

    I worked at The Academy at Ivy Ridge (formerly Mater Dei College) from 2005 until it closed in 2009. My first night the Supervisor gave me a tour of the campus and told me that the place was haunted and people quit because of it. I was skeptical of that. I had been working there for a couple of months without anything out of the ordinary happening. One day the supervisor said he was going to give me an easy job and have me go over to the second dorm. I found out later that everyone else was afraid to go over there. I was sitting next to a stairwell and looked over and as I did a face came flying at me yelling "HEEEEEEEY!" and vanished as it got to me. I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks because of working nights but after that, stuff started happening every night. I would hear people talking loudly and thinking it was students, I would go over to investigate and when I would get to the door of the room that the talking was coming from, I'd open the door to find that the room was empty. That became a frequent occurrence. Eventually enrollment to the school dropped and everyone was placed in the main dorm/main building. The 2nd dorm became unused. The supervisor left for another job and I became assistant supervisor. I would do walkthroughs of the campus every couple of hours. Several times a night when I would walk by the boys locker room, I would a woman crying. I would walk in and as soon as I turned on the light the crying would stop. Later when I was weekend supervisor other staff would report to me about hearing a woman crying in the boys locker room, I told them I knew about it because I experience it as well. Some nights as I walked by the computer lab, the lights would turn on and the cupboard doors would open and shut on their own. I would continually have to shut those lights off throughout the night. When I would go to the supervisor office to fill out the nightly log, the door (which had to be opened with a key) would open on its own when I got to it. Some night it would shut before I could go in. Some nights by the main entrance, I could hear a woman singing. I would check all of the offices and classrooms but was always unable to locate it. It would stop when I got close to the nurse's office. One night in that area I heard a jolly sounding "Helllllloooooo!" right behind me and no one else was downstairs with me. A lot of nights I could what sounded like sheet metal being dragged down the hall to the gym and when I investigated, nothing was there. A few other staff members would call me on the radio to report that he heard dragging metal by the gym. I told them that I knew about the sound. One night I was sitting next to a supply closet and when I looked over there was a young boy dressed in what looked like 1920's clothing. He was crouched down next to me. He looked at me with a nervous smile and put his hand on my elbow and faded away as he did it. I got a cold chill throughout my body when this happened. Other staff and students have said that they have seen the 1920's looking kid at various places on the campus. I did some research online about the school and mention of this kid has come up that people had been seeing him for decades. Wednesday nights, the weekend and weekday supervisors would both be in. Both of us were at one end of the hall with a staff member at the other end. The other supervisor tapped me on the shoulder and pointed down the hallway to the other staff, when I looked to where he was pointing, this shadow man came walking out of a room and stood behind the staff member. It placed its hands on its hips and learned forward like it was taunting us. Then it walked back into the room. I turned to the other other supervisor and asked him "Did you f-ing see that?" He said "The shadow? Yeah." I went to check it out and the staff member asked me what was up, I told him about the shadow and he said that he had been hearing someone tap their fingers on the closet door of that room. The room was totally empty, not even any students in there. One night I thought a student was coming to the doorway to ask me something but it wasn't a student. It looked like a person that was made out of all those colored blobs you see when a camera flash or a bright light shines in your eyes. It was mostly white but toward the center of its body was an orange color. It lunged it's upper torso out the door and looked down the hallway at the other staff member before disappearing. This kind of stuff went on the entire time that I worked there.

    Posted 8/14/18

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Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3510 days ago)

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